Top 10k strings from Jaws (1984)(Sinclair User)(16k).tap
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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2 y1-yd,x1-xd;" "; 2 y,x;" "; 2 ,x;" " 2 ,x;" "; 2 ,x1-xd;" ": 2 (y1,x1)=41 2 (y1,x1)=171 1 treasure>highscore 1 treasure=treasure+1 1 treasure=0 1 rakot general 1 magyarazat 1 lives=lives-1 1 kincsvadaszat 1 kincset general 1 kincs=kincs+1 1 kincs kollekcio 1 kepernyo fejlec 1 jaws 1 itt meg a rak lapul 1 highscore=treasure: 1 highscore=0 1 ember torlese 1 elet=elet-1 1 bekapott a capa 1 az uszo ember pozicioja 1 az uszo ember 1 az emberevo kekcapa 1 az ember iranyitasa 1 alapbeallitasok 1 a kincs helye 1 a grafika beolvasasa 1 a capa pozicioja 1 You are swimming in thesea in search of treasure. Watchfor the man-eating shark and thecrabs which appear at random. Asthe game progresses the sea bed rises, giving you less room to manoeuvre, and it becomes more difficult to escape the shark and avoid the crabs. 1 Jaws modified by Laszlo Nyitrai; original by Mark Hubbuck from Sinclair User #24 (Mar'84) 1 Jaws by Mark Hubbuck from Sinclair User #24 (Mar'84) 1 Jaws 1 ;treasure; 1 ;kincs;"-t KINCSET "; 1 ;"You scored ";treasure 1 ;"Up.............(7)" 1 ;"Treasure:"; 1 ;"Today's high score is ";highscore 1 ;"The keys are:"; 1 ;"That is today's best score. Please enter your name.": 1 ;"SZEDTEL OSSZE" 1 ;"Press any key for another go" 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY TO START": 1 ;"NYITRAI LASZLO 2000." 1 ;"Lives:"; 1 ;"KINCSVADASZAT"; 1 ;"KINCS:"; 1 ;"Fast forward...(5)"; 1 ;"EREDMENY:"; 1 ;"Down...........(6)"; 1 ;") which appear randomly on the screen. Apart from the shark are crabs which must also be avoided and the seabed gradually moves up giving you less room to manoeuvre." 1 ;" Can you prevent the snapping jaws of the man-eating shark from eating you.You are a man swimming in the ocean in search of treasures("; 1 *** subroutines *** 1 *** set up screen *** 1 *** set up graphics *** 1 *** print treasure *** 1 *** print crab *** 1 *** instructions *** 1 *** erase man *** 1 *** eaten by shark *** 1 *** draw shark *** 1 *** draw man *** 1 ** collect treasure ** 1 "VESZTESE UTAN ERTEKELES LESZ. ","" 1 "USZVA A VILLOGO'*'KINCSET KELL" 1 "OSSZESZEDNI , CSAK BALRA LEHET" 1 "LANDOAN EMELKEDIK,KEVES LESZ " 1 "HAROM ELETED VAN,MELYNEK EL- " 1 "HALADNI,VALAMINT FEL ES LE IS." 1 "HA ELOLVASTAD,NYOMD A RETURN-t" 1 "CAPAT. KOZBEN A TENGERFENEK AL" 1 "ALLITANI ,KIKERULVE A KOZELEDO" 1 "A RENDELKEZESRE ALLO HELY. " 1 "A JOBBRA NYILLAL '->'MEG LEHET" 1 "A JATEK EGYSZERU, A TENGERBEN"